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Char grilled sprouting broccoli with sweet tahini

Salad Veganisable
Serves 4

This salad is loved even by those who claim not to like tahini.


550g purple-sprouting broccoli
1 tbsp olive oil 
salt and black pepper
40g tahini
1½ tsp honey or maple syrup
2 tsp lemon juice
1 small garlic clove, peeled and crushed
1 tsp each white and black sesame seeds, toasted (or just 2 tsp white)


  1. Trim any big leaves off the broccoli and cut off the woody base of the stems. Blanch for three minutes in boiling, salted water until al dente, refresh, drain and leave to dry.
  2. Toss the broccoli in the oil, a teaspoon of salt and a large pinch of pepper, then cook on a very hot ridged griddle pan for two minutes on each side, until slightly charred and smoky. Set aside to cool.
  3. Whisk the tahini, honey, lemon juice, garlic and a pinch of salt, and slowly start to add water half a tablespoon at a time. At first, the sauce will look as if it has split, but it will soon come back together. Add just enough water to make the sauce the consistency of honey – around three tablespoons in total. Arrange the broccoli on a platter, drizzle with sauce and scatter with sesame seeds. Serve at room temperature.