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Marinated mushrooms with walnut and tahini yoghurt

Side Vegetarian
Serves 4

Shimeji are those odd-looking clusters of small mushrooms you often find in so-called "exotic" selections at the supermarket. They have an appealing firmness that is retained during light cooking. Here, they're combined with chestnut mushrooms and marinated to make a refreshing mix that you can serve on its own, add to salads (try it with red and white endive and lots of soft herbs), or combine with other great things, as I do here.


75ml olive oil 
1 tbsp white-wine vinegar 
1 tbsp maple syrup
2 medium lemons, juiced
fine sea salt and black pepper
150g buna-shimeji mushrooms, large base removed
200g chestnut mushrooms, sliced
120ml greek yogurt
35g tahini
1 small clove garlic, crushed
250g podded broad beans (fresh, or frozen and defrosted)
75g walnuts, toasted and roughly chopped
½ tsp ground cumin
1 tbsp chopped dill
1 tbsp fresh chopped oregano


  1. Whisk together the oil, vinegar, maple syrup, juice of one lemon, about half a teaspoon of salt and some black pepper. Put all the mushrooms in a large bowl, pour over the dressing, stir, making sure all the mushrooms are coated, and leave to marinate for an hour.
  2. Meanwhile, make the sauce. In a small bowl, mix the yogurt, tahini, garlic, the juice of the other lemon and half a teaspoon of salt. Use a fork or a whisk to whip into a light paste. You can refrigerate this sauce for up to a day.
  3. Next, put the broad beans in a pot, pour over plenty of boiling water, leave for a minute, then drain and set aside to cool down. Once cool enough to handle, gently squeeze each bean so it pops out of its skin (if you don't mind the skin, skip this stage). Add the beans, walnuts and cumin to the marinated mushrooms, stir, taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary.
  4. Serve in small bowls or plates, topped with a dollop of thick tahini sauce and sprinkled with chopped dill and oregano.