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Riced potatoes with anchovy butter

Side Easy
Serves 4
Prep 20 min
Cook 35 min

These are essentially deconstructed mashed potatoes. Ricing the spuds with the butter and cream, rather than mashing them, makes them light and airy, and gives you a completely different experience. And get everything ready first, because you need to work very quickly once the potatoes are cooked.


10g unsalted butter
20 sage leaves
salt and black pepper
1kg yukon gold potatoes (or Rooster, if unavailable), peeled and cut into 3-4cm chunks
60ml double cream
1 generous grating fresh nutmeg
130g unsalted butter, well softened at room temperature
1 tbsp white miso
4 anchovy fillets, drained and finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
1 lemon – zest grated, to get 2 tsp, and juiced, to get 1 tbsp
1½ tbsp fresh parsley leaves, finely chopped


  1. Put all the anchovy butter ingredients in a bowl, add a generous grind of pepper, mix with a fork, then set aside at room temperature.
  2. Put 10g butter in a small frying pan on a medium-high heat and, once melted, add the sage and a tiny pinch of salt. Fry, stirring often, for three minutes, until deep green but not brown. Transfer to a plate lined with kitchen towel, to crisp up.
  3. Put the potatoes and a tablespoon of salt in a medium saucepan for which you have a lid, add enough water to cover by about 4cm and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to medium-low, cover loosely and simmer for 15 minutes, until the potatoes are easily pierced with a fork, but not mushy. Drain, and shake to make sure the potatoes are dry.
  4. Meanwhile, put the cream, nutmeg and a pinch of salt in a small saute pan on medium heat, warm through gently, then keep warm on a low heat.
  5. Melt the anchovy butter in the microwave (or in a small pan on a medium heat), just to heat through, then keep warm on a low heat.
  6. Working quickly now, pass the hot potatoes through a potato ricer directly on to a platter, so they are well spread out. Spoon the anchovy butter all over the top, followed by the cream mix, top with the crisp sage and serve immediately.