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Figs with young pecorino and honey

Salad Midweek
Serves 4
Featured in
Ottolenghi cookbook

The quality of the ingredients is paramount here: the figs need to be ripe, sweet and heavy, the honey needs to be best-quality and the cheese needs to be as fresh and young as possible. Some chunks of salty well-cured ham also work very well against the sweet figs. For those not inclined to choosing between one thing and another, the combination of figs, cheese and ham is also rather good!


2 tbsp good-quality honey
3 tbsp olive oil 
600g ripe green or black figs
300g young pecorino or a similar cheese
80g rocket, preferably wild
10g basil leaves
coarse sea salt and black pepper


  1. Whisk together the honey and olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cut the figs into quarters. Use your hands to tear the cheese into large chunks. 
  2. Arrange the rocket, basil, figs and pecorino in layers on individual serving plates or a large platter. Drizzle over the honey dressing as you go along, and finish with some freshly ground black pepper.