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Courgette, chickpea and herb pancakes

Brunch Veganisable
Serves 4
Prep 15 min
Cook 20 min

Serve these with a spoonful of yoghurt or even just drizzled with lime juice. Makes eight pancakes.

Follow the full recipe


3 courgettes
150g chickpea flour (also called gram flour)
1 tbsp cornflour
20g coriander leaves
10g mint leaves
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cumin
2cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated
½ green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
120g drained tinned chickpeas (½ tin)
4 spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
80ml olive oil
greek yoghurt to serve


  1. Roughly grate the courgettes, then put them in a sieve set over a bowl with half a teaspoon of salt, mixing to combine. Leave to sit for 20 minutes, then squeeze out as much liquid from the courgettes as you can. Set aside the courgette flesh – you should have roughly 370g.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk the gram flour, cornflour and 200ml cold water until smooth. Roughly chop half the coriander and mint, and stir into the mix with the spices, ginger, chilli, chickpeas, courgettes, half the spring onions and a teaspoon of salt.
  3. Heat half a tablespoon of oil in a medium nonstick frying pan on a medium flame. Once hot, ladle in about 110g of the pancake batter, using a spatula to spread it out into a thin circle about 15cm in diameter. Fry for about two minutes, until it’s golden brown underneath and bubbles are starting to form on the top, then flip and cook for another two minutes on the other side, until golden and cooked through. Slide the pancake on to a plate and repeat with the remaining oil and batter, until you have eight pancakes, or enough for two per person.
  4. Mix the remaining herbs and spring onion with the last teaspoon of olive oil. Top each pancake with the herb mixture and serve with a dollop of yoghurt.