
New kid in town.

What is it

A small, round citrus fruit, with yellow-orange bumpy skin, from Japan.


The only downside to yuzu is that it's pretty tricky to find. But most large supermarkets should stock little bottles of yuzu juice. Or, if you're looking for any yuzu-flavoured treats, pop over to the Japan Centre.


If you plan to use your yuzu within a week or so, store it in the fridge in a plastic bag or airtight container to stop it drying out.

Getting to know yuzu

As you read this, there are fruit hunters trekking through forests, tracking down the Next Big Thing for our fruit bowls. It wouldn't be surprising if our grandchildren start their days with juices from fruits not yet known. This may sound far-fetched–but then consider yuzu. While the Japanese fruit may be a high-scorer on the scrabble board, the word only appeared in the Oxford Dictionary in 2006.

Yuzu has deep roots in East Asia, originally from China and later spreading to Japan and Korea. Its appeal lies in its fragrant zest and tangy juice, which have been used for generations to add a unique flavour to dishes, sauces, and drinks.


Try embracing it's sweet side. Our tangerine loaf with yuzu is a customer favourite at our delis–sweet, tangy and light. Or you could elevate your salads with a few drops of yuzu juice in your dressing.

But if you're feeling adventurous, add a few pieces of yuzu peel to your next bath – apparently it's known for it's soothing qualities.

“Chef, do you prefer yuzu in sweet or savoury settings?”

Milli thinks yuzu is best served in a cocktail – more specifically, a martini.