Ice cream

What’s the scoop?

What is it

A mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and whatever flavour you desire.

What's new in the world of ice cream?

There's something inherently uncomplicated and comforting about ice cream. A delightful blend of milk, cream, sugar, and your chosen flavour, it effortlessly transports us back to moments of childhood solace. Think of the faint strains of Greensleeves drifting from the ice cream van, and the sticky sweetness melting over small hands. It's a quintessential slice of British suburban nostalgia.

But today, ice cream—encompassing everything from gelato to kulfi to sorbet—is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. And we’ve moved on from 99s.

Here’s three recipes to try:

Saffron and almond ice cream sandwich.

Coconut ice cream with lychee and passion fruit.

One basic creme anglaise: tahig ice cream.


While the Chinese were making ice cream as early as 600 AD, it was the Italians who nurtured it. The original ice creams in 600 AD didn’t really resemble ice cream at all. The Italians were the ones who introduced milk and cream into the equation. Just as with pizza, it was the Neopolitans who were credited with creating the first true ice creams, which appeared in an 18th-century cookbook. But once dairy was introduced, each nationality put its own stamp on it. In Italy, it was gelato.

The boom kicked off with migration — refugees fleeing Italy in the 19th century. So much so that ice cream vans became a key part of British culture. As classic as the gastropub - cheap, dependable and unpretentious.

Recently, there has been some stir about whether ice cream actually has some health benefits. This does seem ridiculous, yes, but equally compelling. Apparently eating half a cup of ice cream a day was associated with a lower risk of heart problems...