
Let’s get cracking.

What is it

Eggs are a blank canvas of flavour and form. Gentle on the wallet, easy to access, and completely fuss-free. No other ingredients give as much bang for their cluck.

They pair happily with all manner of herbs, chillies, or spices. But sometimes, just a good crack of black pepper will do. Keep your slippers on and enjoy your breakfast (or lunch… or dinner).

Buying and storing

If you're in any doubt about how fresh an egg is before you crack it open, drop it in a glass of water. A fresh egg will drop to the bottom of the glass and stay there. A slightly older (but still safe to eat) egg will hover in the middle, while a stale egg will float on the surface – a sure sign that it should be thrown away. Once cracked open, a fresh egg will have a plump yolk that stands proud from the white.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Humans have been eating eggs since the dawn of time. Back then, they were eaten raw from the nests of wild birds; now, they’re a staple in every brunch place across the world.

But why are they sold by the dozen? In ancient England, the Romans and Anglo-Saxons had different ways of measuring things. They mixed their measurements up, so if you wanted eggs, you could buy one for a penny or a dozen for a shilling (worth 12 pennies). Fast forward to 1824, and the measurement system changed, but dozens stuck around in America and Europe.

How to cook with eggs


Shakshuka is a one-pan dish. It's warming, comforting, and ideal for the morning when you're not normally up for a great culinary challenge. In North Africa, they’ve known this dish for many years, with sauces varying from region to region, in spiciness, sweetness and sharpness. Add aubergines in spring and potatoes in winter. Or some spicy sausage, like meringuez or chorizo, all year round.


Eggs are to baking what the steel beams are to a skyscraper, forming the sturdy foundation upon which the entire structure rises with strength and stability.

If you’ve got sourdough fatigue (don't we all, these days) try using eggs to enrich your dough. Enriched dough is when you add butter, egg, sugar, or oil. They’re softer and richer than those made solely with flour, water, salt and yeast: enriched. Impressive to see, delicious to eat, and rewarding to make. The dough is often very sticky but is transformed by kneading. Try V’s fabulous buns. Because they are just that — fabulous.

Nigella's floating islands showcase eggs as the backbone of baking; the meringue quenelles and custard alone make it a delicious dessert to impress your guests.

"Chef, do you keep your eggs in the fridge?"

Chaya keeps her eggs in the fridge in the summer and in the cupboard throughout the rest of the year. Milli quickly chimed in and asserted her position: eggs don’t need to be in the fridge, end of. Are you a Chaya or a Milli?